Abdominal reduction – Abdominoplasty in London on Harley Street
Nowadays more attention is directed to body consciousness and the size and shape of our bodies than ever before. In order to control any of these bodily changes which can occur in this respect, we normally try to use exercise and diet. However, some areas of our body can become permanently resistant to any such improvements.
These localised deposits of fat in the abdominal region can combine with muscle laxity in some people and can make any dream to achieve a flat tummy very difficult. In women this becomes more difficult if loose skin and stretching appears especially after pregnancy. Children are of course valuable in spite of every inconvenience. However, this does not stop us from thinking whether or not anything can be done to improve such type of situation.
On the other hand, there are some people who may have undergone massive weight loss and subsequently, they find that they have an ‘apron’ of skin hanging down in front of the abdomen as a result of this. Sometimes this can lead to problems of chafing and rashes emerging under this ‘apron’.
Surgical procedures can be selectively be used in order to improve cases in which such problems can appear. These operations however, are not carried with an aim of weight reduction, which is still a dietary problem. In situations where it is not possible to make an improvement in spite of the sufficient efforts, an abdominoplasty may help. Abdominoplasty commonly known as ‘tummy tuck’ is an operation which can tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall and can remove abundant amount of skin folds and fatty tissues from the middle and lower abdominal region.
There are several types of variations in this type of surgery. As such it can drastically reduce the appearance of a protruding abdomen and can lead to a flatter, firmer, tighter tummy and when liposuction procedure is incorporated with this procedure, a thinner waistline can also be obtained.
Most of the time however, the problem is mainly restricted to only the localised fat in the abdominal region without any associated skin laxity of stretch marks. In such cases, liposuction alone may be the best option. Other times, as mentioned before liposuction can be carried out in combination with one of the many variations of an abdominoplasty procedure.
Speak to us about abdominoplasty. Call us at Medical Arts for Cosmetic Surgery on 020 7078 4378 or 07792 648726 if you are interested booking a consultation or learning more about the procedure. You will find some commonly asked questions about abdominoplasty below.
More questions about abdominoplasty?
There is no perfect age or time in one’s life to have an abdominoplasty, but it is normally carried out after a woman has given birth and she does not plan to have further more children, or after someone has lost massive amount of weight.
The amount of pain associated with an abdominoplasty is quite variable. Usually, there will be slight pain associated with tummy tuck which normally can be controlled by certain painkillers.
Usually after the procedure you will be advised to take short walks three or four times daily for few minutes. You should normally take rest for at least two weeks after the surgery. You will be advised to wear an abdominal pressure garment for few weeks after the surgery till healing is complete. Some amount of swelling and bruising are normal but it varies from person to person.
The results of tummy tuck can last for many years. If there is no large weight gain or pregnancies after tummy tuck process, then the changes will be relatively permanent. There might be some relaxation of the tissues with age, but not to the extent prior to surgery.
How much does abdominoplasty cost?
From £4500
Tummy tuck procedure helped me to regain my self-confidence.
Before I had my tummy tuck I lacked self confidence in my appearance and the way I felt about myself. I had lost an extreme amount of weight which caused me to have a lot of extra loose skin especially around my arms which I tend to try and hide with bigger clothes especially my arms. My Doctor referred me to see Mr Vadodaria to have an assessment to see if I would be suitable for a tummy tuck. I was successful and had my operation at the beginning of the year. I felt so happy and very comfortable with my doctor, he made me feel relaxed and confident about the procedure I was about to have. The nursing staff on the ward where very patient, understanding and helpful to all my needs during my stay. When I woke up I was in a little discomfort but the nursing staff where right at hand to help me relax and ease any of the pain. My recovery period was a little tiring too but it was all well worth it. When I saw the final results I was overwhelmed with the amazing transformation of my body which has now given me a lot more confidence in the way I look and feel about myself. I now can wear clothes that I feel I look amazing in. I also feel comfortable wearing swimwear in my local swimming pool, which for me is a big thing. Mr Vadodaria has done an amazing performance in giving me a nice flat tummy and giving me the confidence to be who I am and embrace my lovely nice figure. To him and all my staff I am very much appreciative.
Life transformations in me after the tummy tuck procedure.
Dear Mr Vadodaria Can I just thank you for the surgery performed and to which I am so very pleased. I felt really strange talking about cosmetic surgery and a tummy tuck. Thinking was I being vain what would people think of me and would they like just using resources unnecessarily but the surgery has changed my life. after I had my daughter 9 years ago I ballooned up to 16 stone I was determined to lose the weight and did so reaching my target of 10 stone everyone kept on saying well done you look great and the weight loss was brilliant but under my clothes I had been left with lots of flaps of skin that would hang and bulge and leave me with sores around my groin and I hated how I looked hated me and felt not like a woman. I hated wearing anything that was remotely flattering, I would not go swimming, undress in any public area and even avoided getting undressed in front of my husband my life was spent as soon as I met someone I would look at their tummy area rather than them as a person first sounds silly but this was my perspective and I thought I was happier when I was big as I did not see all this flesh bulging around. I went to see my GP at the time and they were not that helpful and tried to put me off but I asked for a referral to a surgeon he was great and could understand how I felt I had kept the weight off for 6 years and felt healthy and referred me to a plastic surgeon in Edinburgh. in Scotland we are very lucky as abdominoplasty is on the NHS don’t get me wrong it is not just a case of asking for it you have a long wait and you have to see a clinical psychologist to see if you qualify for surgery I waited 4 years from referral to getting an appointment with Mr V I still was unsure about surgery I am a nurse and had read all the stories of good and not so good plastic surgery stories but I would say that put your trust in a good surgeon and they will look after you. Being referred to Mr V I was so lucky he understood my anxiety and how I felt with having nearly 3 lb of excess skin in folds. The day of surgery I was terrified I was frightened of everything and knowing that this was an elective procedure and what was I doing by putting my family through this wait but I was put at ease and treated as an individual on every account. I won’t lie the pain following surgery was like no other pain I had felt I had 3 drains draining excess blood away and could only walk along the wall bent over double and the first 3 days I could only look at the floor but the pain gets better the drains get taken away and memories start to fade of how horrible I felt, I remember Mr V telling me would need at least 8 weeks off being a nurse I knew better and thought a few weeks would do I needed the full 8 weeks and 2 more trust all your surgeon tells you and wear the corset for the 6 weeks and take the time off he tells you if like me you have waited years for surgery that changes your life don’t ruin your recovery for vanity of the corset or wanting to push yourself too quick to recover. 6 months on my life is great I go swimming and wear a tankini my tummy is flat I don’t look 6 months pregnant with a bump I don’t have to wear long tops to cover my tummy bump of skin I sail and run I can wear jean without pushing skin folds into my jeans and I feel like a woman thank you Mr V you have changed me and my life.
Before and After Photos
Patient 1: Abdominoplasty + Supra umbilical hernia repair using mesh under general anaesthetic as a day case procedure by Mr Shailesh Vadodaria
Patient 2: Abdominoplasty and thigh reduction performed under general anaesthetics by Mr. Shailesh Vadodaria
Patient – 3: Abdominoplasty and liposuction (Flanks) performed under general anaesthetics by Mr. Shailesh Vadodaria
Patient 4: Abdominoplasty under general anaesthetics by Mr Shailesh Vadodaria
Patient 5 – Abdominoplasty performed under general anaesthetics by Mr. Shailesh Vadodaria
Patient – 6 – Abdominoplasty performed under general anaesthetics by Mr. Shailesh Vadodaria
Patient 7 – Abdominoplasty performed under general anaesthetics by Mr. Shailesh Vadodaria
Patient 8 – Abdominoplasty performed by Mr. Shailesh Vadodaria under general anaesthetics
Patient 9 – Abdominoplasty and liposuction flanks performed under general anaesthetics by Mr. Shailesh Vadodaria