Arm reduction/lift – Brachioplasty

Age and massive weight loss can sadly lead to sagging tissue on the upper arm when the arm is raised outward. This is commonly known as Bingo Wings or Bat Wings in United Kingdom. This type of condition can be corrected by a procedure called arm reduction/lift also known as brachioplasty.

Liposuction is an alternative to arm lift surgery. A plastic surgeon will discuss with you whether this is required or not. This will usually depend upon the skin type and the extent of skin redundancy and deposition of fat. The liposuction procedure can remove excess fat and also tighten the skin to a certain extent. It has an advantage that it causes minimal scarring.

Brachioplasty is usually carried out under either local or general anesthetic. Segments of skin and fat will usually be removed and the remaining skin and tissues will usually be lifted which will tighten the upper arms. Following this, dressings are applied and small tubes known as drains may be put in order to remove any excess fluid or blood form the wounds.
Brachioplasty procedure usually takes approximately two hours depending upon the amount of reduction required and whether any other procedures like liposuction are combined with it or not. The wounds are recovered within one or two weeks. It is normally advisable to wear a tight fitting pressure garments for first few weeks following the procedure. You are advised to avoid any strenuous activities following the procedure for 4 to 6 weeks.

Speak to us about Arm reduction/lift. Call us at Medical Arts for Cosmetic Surgery on 020 7078 4378 or 07792 648726 if you are interested booking a consultation or learning more about the procedure. You will find some commonly asked questions about Arm reduction/lift below.

Before and After Photos

Patient 1 – Brachioplasty procedure performed by Mr. Shailesh Vadodaria under local anaesthetics

Patient 2 – Liposuction assisted brachioplasty performed by Mr. Shailesh Vadodaria


Patient 3 – Liposuction assisted brachioplasty following massive weight loss performed by Mr. Shailesh Vadodaria


Patient 4 – Correction of heavy upper arms by liposuction performed by Mr. Shailesh Vadodaria as a day case procedure

Patient 5 – Brachioplasty procedure performed under local anaesthetics/sedation by Mr. Shailesh Vadodaria


Patient 6 – Liposuction assisted brachioplasty (upper arm reduction/bingo wings correction) under general anaesthetics as a day case by Mr. Shailesh Vadodaria

More questions about Arm reduction/lift?

What does Arm Lift Surgery Involve?

The surgery involves removal of lose skin and fat from the upper arms. This surgery is performed under either local or general anaesthesia and the procedure takes approximately 1 to 2 hours. You are expected to stay in the hospital for 6 hours following the operation. You can return home on the same day.

What will happen in the recovery period?

It is also recommended to wear a compression support garment for few weeks to reduce swelling and to take antibiotics to prevent infection. It is advisable to avoid strenuous activity for 1 month.

When can I resume my work?

It depends upon the type of your work. You can start ‘desk work’ on computer within 72 hours. You are not allowed to do any contact sports or weight lifting for 6 weeks.


  1. Cost of the surgery
    From £3500
